Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mommy is a slacker!!!

Well, it has been about 3 months since my last post!! I know, I am such a slacker. Ha ha! I am just busy teaching 42- 5th graders, raising a daughter, taking care of my husband, keeping a clean house, blah, blah, blah!! I know I have made promises in the past about keeping Waverly's blog updated, but with summer break quickly approaching (insert screams of excitement here) I should have more time.

Waverly has blossomed into a social butterfly, not that she was ever a shy baby! She talks to everyone, everywhere, and in complete sentences. She fascinates Stuart and I numerous times a day. Not only can you carry on conversations with her, give her multiple-step directions that she can easily follow, but she is still the sweetest, most loving, little cuddle bug EVER!!!!! Everyday feels like Christmas morning to me that I get to wake up to my beautiful daughter, my loving husband, our sweet lab Banks, and the wonderful life that we have created as a family. I am so fortunate to have the wonderful things that I do!

More updates to come......