Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Top Teeth

Waverly has been struggling lately with her top teeth! They have been "about" to come through for quite some time now! She got her first two bottom teeth when she was about 9 months old & she is now 13 months old. So, we have been waiting on those other teeth for over 4 months now. She looks so cute with her two little bottom teeth & it when she smiles and all I see are gums on top it really makes her look like a little baby.

She is still walking, practically running, all over the place and we can't wait for all of our family to see her this weekend. Stuart's sister, Mary, had another sweet, baby girl a few weeks ago and we have yet to see her. Unless Hurricane Earl decides to visit Elizabeth City, we will be heading home on Friday for Labor Day Weekend.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Once again, I apologize for not updating my blog more frequently. Since I have started another school year things have been a little busy around the Morrison House. I have a great group of kids this year and I know we will have a wonderful year together!

Waverly is growing like a weed and is doing so well. She is drinking her milk and eating like such a big girl. She is practically running all over the house. She is such a perfect little walker and has such great balance. I was sad around the time of her birthday because so many things were happening. Her first birthday, stopping nursing, and walking all happened within a week of each other. I am happy to say that even though I am sad that my sweet little baby is growing up, we are entering a new and exciting chapter in her life.

We are still going out in the boat every weekend and she absolutely loves the water! Stuart & I look forward to the days when we can pull her in a tube, teach her to hydraslide, and go on family boat trips to Charleston. We are so fortunate to have such an easy-going baby.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Waverly will be one-year-old in nine days and we have begun the weaning process. She is having whole milk in her sippy cup once a day instead of nursing at that time. She is doing great!! She loves her milk and I am so happy that we are not having to give her a bottle and then transition to a sippy cup. I didn't think she would have any trouble because she loves to drink water from her sippy cup! Each week we are adding milk to replace one of her feedings. Tomorrow starts the second one, so she will be having whole milk around 10 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well. I am sure it will because she is so easy-going and such a perfect little baby!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I am sorry I have been slacking on my blog lately. I promise to update at least once a week! Waverly is growing more and more everyday. Her little personality is really starting to shine through. She is crawling so fast and is pulling up on everything. She can walk holding on to any piece of furniture and can stand on her own for a few seconds. Stuart & I think she is going to be walking any day now. Waverly is also "talking" up a storm....we just don't know what she is saying yet. Ha ha. She weighs almost 23 pounds and is starting to get a little bit of hair. Her first birthday is less than a month away and Stuart & I don't know where the time went. It seems like yesterday we were at the hospital and I got to see my precious angel for the first time. Every morning when I wake up I get so excited to go and pick her up out of her crib. I am so lucky to be her mommy!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I am copying your idea Alisa! :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beautiful Weekend

The weather in Savannah was absolutely gorgeous this weekend and we definitely took advantage of it! Friday, we went down to Hogans' Marina where we keep our boat. We had hopes of taking Waverly on a boat ride but it was too chilly & windy. So, we decided to go have lunch and Waverly was just loving all of the attention! Several people came up to us to say how cute Waverly was. She really is the best baby in the whole world! Saturday, we had swimming lessons with her buddy, Hadley, and were kind of disappointed that we didn't have our same instructor, Melissa. She was really great and really got to know the babies. After swimming lessons we met our friends, Alan & Josie, at the boat to try again to take a cruise. The wind was only blowing 5-10 mph and the temperature was warmer. Waverly put on her life jacket and didn't complain and we headed down Turner's Creek. She was starting to get slightly cranky but as soon as we started moving the hum of the motor put her right to sleep. We rode over to Daufuskie Island and had lunch at Marshside Mama's! Waverly fell right asleep on the way back and it made Stuart & I feel so good that she is going to feel relaxed and comfortable on the boat.

Today, we worked in the yard and cleaned the house! We had such a great spring break and hate to go back to work tomorrow! :(

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Catch Up

I am sorry I have not posted in a while! Waverly's social calendar has been very busy! We went home to Elizabeth City last week for Easter & had a great time! On Friday, we had lunch at Papaw & Meme's house! We stayed at Teeny & Bubba's house and Teeny made the best dinner! GranDana, GanGan, Spencer, Aunt Mary, Uncle Rob, Liza, Uncle Matthew, & Blair were there. We had such a blast and Waverly just loves the attention from her family! Next, we had an Easter egg hunt at the Weeks's house and lunch afterwards. More of Waverly's friends were there and they helped her to get a few eggs in her basket. That evening Waverly & her big cousin, Liza, had the best time playing in the tub with each other! Look below for the video! Sunday, we went to church and Stuart took Waverly up to place flowers on the cross. It was so sweet and Stuart is such a loving father & he absolutely adores his baby girl. Aunt Mary prepared a delicious lunch after church! Mary is so thoughtful and even got matching outfits for Waverly & Liza!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week in Review

Waverly had a great first St. Patrick's Day! First, we went over to her buddy Hadley's house to watch the parade on t.v. Going downtown with all of the craziness with 2 infants was not a very good idea. We then went to lunch and did a little shopping at the mall. It was a great day! Stuart was in Florida on a scuba diving trip, so GranDana & GanGan came down to visit us. We went to swimming lessons and they were able to see my little fish in action. So far, GranDana, GanGan, Papaw, & Meme have all seen Waverly at swimming lessons. Now, we need to get Teeny & Bubba down here too. :) This week at swimming lessons we worked on using life jackets, which is very useful for Waverly! Especially, since she will be out on the boat as soon as the weather gets a little warmer.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First tooth!!

It's official!!!! Waverly has her first tooth finally starting to come through! She woke up last night at 11 p.m. and was crying and very fussy (very out of character)! Stuart tried to soothe her back to sleep without any luck. He brought Waverly to me & after a dose of Tylenol and nursing her, she fell asleep. Poor Stuart slept on the couch until about 3 a.m. and the guest room until 6:30. He said he did not want to disturb her after she fell asleep. Waverly & I are so lucky to have him! I don't know what we would ever do without him!

Waverly was in betters spirits this morning, had a great day, and by this afternoon there it was......a tiny piece of a tooth popping out!!! Once again, Stuart saved the day and went to the pharmacy to get Waverly some teething tablets that have helped tremendously! She is back to her old self tonight. As soon as I can catch a picture of her tooth with the camera I will be sure to post it!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

2nd Week of Swimming Lessons

Yesterday was Waverly's second week of swimming lessons! We practiced kicking while on our tummies, going underwater, "jumping" in from the side, and we added floating on our backs this week. Waverly did so well and goes non-stop during her 45-minute lesson. She is kicking, splashing, and "talking" the whole time! We look forward to swimming class every Saturday.

Waverly is also back on her schedule of sleeping through the night. Around 6 months she started to wake up once during the night to nurse, and she has sporadically been doing so ever since. Well, for the last week she hasn't woken up once and is back to her old self. She goes to bed around 8:00 and sleeps until 6:30. Stuart & I know we are very lucky to have such a good sleeper, good eater, and just all around happy baby.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Waverly had her first swimming lesson at the Aquatic Center this Saturday! She did so well and absolutely LOVED the water! She was kicking, splashing, and laughing the entire time. Her friend, Hadley, was there with her and the girls had so much fun. We did a few different exercises with her teacher and then had free play time for the last fifteen minutes. Waverly swam around on her tummy kicking, went underwater, and "jumped" off the side of the pool into the water. She was exhausted by the time we were finished and fell asleep before we could even leave the Aquatic Center's parking lot! We are so happy that we signed her up and can't wait for next Saturday!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Great Weekend

Waverly had another great weekend! Saturday, we went to the boat show and met up with our friends. Jon, Alisa, & Hadley met us at the boat show. Hadley is Waverly's buddy & they are only three weeks apart (Waverly is older). We then rode the ferry across the Savannah River to have lunch. Waverly & Hadley were not too thrilled, Waverly fell asleep and Hadley was checking everyone out. We strolled downtown and had a wonderful lunch with great company. We rode the ferry back across the river and of course, the girls fell asleep again.

Stuart & Jon strolling their baby girls

All the girls

Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekend Full of Firsts

The weather was absolutely beautiful this weekend and we definitely took advantage of it! Saturday, Waverly rode in a shopping cart for the first time. Of course, I had a cover ready to go, so my angel wouldn't get any germs! Ha Ha

Sunday, we all played in the front yard. Waverly loved pulling grass and playing with leaves. She only tried to eat them twice! We had a blast for about an hour and it was the perfect afternoon!

Finally, we went down to the playground and Waverly got to swing!! She was still a little small for the swing but she LOVED it! The breeze was blowing and she was laughing with the biggest smile on her face! What a wonderful way to spend our weekend!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


*NEWS FLASH* Waverly is saying "mama"!!! We have been practicing every time I change her or we are playing on the floor. I would repeat mamamamamama over and over again! I guess it worked. Whenever I turn my back to her or leave the room she says "mama"! I think she is going to be a genius! :) I can't believe my little baby is getting so big!

For Waverly's first Valentine's Day we went out to lunch with our friend, Rachel, while Stuart was at his scuba diving class. Waverly sat in the high chair at the restaurant for the first time and absolutely loved it! She was looking all around and checking everyone out as they walked by! Stuart cooked a great dinner when he got home and we had a wonderful Valentine's night just relaxing at home and being together! Today was also the last day for Waverly's eye drops. We are praying that her eye stays clear and the puffiness is gone for good.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Morning

Well, the snow quickly disappeared today! Waverly, Banks, & I were out there about 7:30 a.m. to take a few more pictures before the snow was totally gone. Banks was very frisky and was having a blast trying to eat the snow. Waverly has become very fascinated with her dog lately and just laughs when Banks comes near her! It is so cute! I am so glad she has such a sweet playmate as she continues to grow. Trying to get a picture of the two of them was another story! Waverly was looking at Banks and Banks was looking at the kids across the street. Anyway, here are a couple that I was able to get this morning.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Waverly was able to see her first snow tonight!!!!! It started snowing about 7:00 pm and Waverly was just getting ready for her bath. We quickly decided to bundle up so we could go outside! We stayed outside for about 45 minutes and the snow began to fall even harder. Waverly loved it and kept looking up towards the sky! We took several pictures and she was so happy! As soon as we came inside and got warm she fell right asleep! Meanwhile, Stuart was at his class getting his scuba certification. We will get up early in the morning so Stuart can his little snow bunny in action.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Eye Update

Waverly's eye is doing a million times better! The drops are really helping and she still has another week to go. Her eye is so clear, no drainage, and it is not yucky when she wakes up. I am praying that the drops do the trick! I am worried that once we stop the drops the drainage and puffiness will return. Waverly is very smart and when she sees the drops coming she wiggles so she can try to get away. Stuart & I have a system that is working pretty well. He holds the toy above her head so she has to look up and she doesn't even see me coming with the sneak attack drop! Ha Ha! She is doing so well and is sitting up almost entirely by herself without leaning back or towards one side at all!! Waverly is such a strong girl!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sitting Up

Waverly is sitting up so well on her own. She sits and plays with her toys for a good 5-10 minutes before she gets tired and starts to lean back or to one side. I am so proud of her for being so strong but it just reminds me that she is growing everyday. I wish I could just freeze her like she is right now forever! Yes, I would change diapers and breastfeed her forever if it meant she would stay as perfect as she is right now! Everyday, Stuart & I just look at her and tell each other how lucky we are to have her. Waverly is definitely the best of both of us put together to make this perfect little person. If you can't tell I am feeling a little sappy today and I just want to cherish every second I have with my precious baby.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ophthalmologist visit

Today was Waverly's appointment with the pediatric ophthalmologist. Dr. Devaro dilated her eyes and said her vision is great and her eyes are perfect. His only concern was her left eye and her eyelid being droopy due to the puffiness and swelling from her blocked tear duct. He said that if left untreated her eyelid covering part of her cornea could cause the cornea to be misshaped and would result in an astigmatism. She would have to wear glasses to correct the astigmatism. Dr. Devaro prescribed Waverly steroid drops for 2 weeks to help with the puffiness and swelling and hopes that it will allow the duct to clear out and drain properly. Waverly will be seen again in 3 months and if her eye is not clear at 9 months Dr. Devaro wants to probe the duct to clear it out. Hopefully, her eye will clear up on its own and the probing will not be necessary. Waverly was an absolute angel today and was smiling at everyone in the office. She was so good through everything and only let out a small cry when the dilating drops were put in! She is such a sweet and happy baby! We will keep updates coming.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Swimming lessons

Waverly is all registered for her swimming lessons in March. The class is called Starbabies and is designed to get babies used to the water. She loves the water in her bathtub, so I am sure she is going to be a little fish! Waverly's buddy, Hadley, is going to be there with us and so is Dylan! Mommy is not looking forward to being in a bathing suit, but I will manage. Ha Ha

Tomorrow is Waverly's appointment with the pediatric ophthalmologist. I am sure everything will go just fine and I am anxious to get her little eye cleared up. I will post an update tomorrow and what the doctor said.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Stuart is home! He decided to make the 8-hour trip from N.C. last night instead of getting stuck in the snow. All of our family in Elizabeth City received about 5-6 inches and has had a blast playing all day. I wish Waverly could have seen the snow, but in a way I am glad that we are in warmer Savannah.

Waverly is really starting babble a lot! Instead of just making noises she is making a lot of ba ba ba, ma ma ma, & da da da sounds! I keep saying mommy & mama to her because Stuart thinks she is going to say daddy first, and I am going to prove him wrong! Ha Ha!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Waverly had a good day home recuperating from her shots with GranDana. She made a quick visit to mommy's school to see the kids and have some lunch. Waverly is still feeling a little yucky from her shots but I am sure she will be back to her playful self tomorrow. She has an appointment on Tuesday with the pediatric ophthalmologist. Hopefully, we will have some good news to report.

We are anxiously awaiting Stuart's return on Saturday and we miss him terribly!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Waverly had her 6 month checkup today. She had 4 shots and she did pretty well. She didn't cry after the first one but cried after the others. Nurse Lynn started blowing bubbles for her and she immediately forgot about the shots! Dr. Stone, her pediatrician, said she is doing great and is right on track. Waverly now weighs 18 lbs. 11 oz. (she is chunky which is just fine for a breastfed baby) and is 26 3/4 inches long! Her tear duct is still blocked, so Dr. Stone referred her to a pediatric ophthalmologist. She will have an appt. in the next few weeks so we can hopefully get everything straight. Dr. Stone says that a blocked tear duct is a pretty common issue and can usually be resolved pretty quickly. Everyone at her pediatrician's office just raves about how sweet and good she is! Stuart & I are so lucky to have such a sweet, perfect little baby!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Waverly is missing her daddy! He is out of town for work and he just left this morning. We are ready for him to come home already but he won't be home until Saturday! We are excited that GranDana is here to visit and we are having so much fun!

Waverly has her 6-month checkup tomorrow and unfortunately has to get more shots. Hopefully, she will do okay but she usually has a low grade temperature and is VERY cranky! We will see how it goes.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Very first blog!

I am so excited about creating my very own blog! After seeing a friend's blog and how cute it was, I decided to try it out (thanks, Alisa)! I hope to post updates on sweet Waverly!