Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Top Teeth

Waverly has been struggling lately with her top teeth! They have been "about" to come through for quite some time now! She got her first two bottom teeth when she was about 9 months old & she is now 13 months old. So, we have been waiting on those other teeth for over 4 months now. She looks so cute with her two little bottom teeth & it when she smiles and all I see are gums on top it really makes her look like a little baby.

She is still walking, practically running, all over the place and we can't wait for all of our family to see her this weekend. Stuart's sister, Mary, had another sweet, baby girl a few weeks ago and we have yet to see her. Unless Hurricane Earl decides to visit Elizabeth City, we will be heading home on Friday for Labor Day Weekend.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Once again, I apologize for not updating my blog more frequently. Since I have started another school year things have been a little busy around the Morrison House. I have a great group of kids this year and I know we will have a wonderful year together!

Waverly is growing like a weed and is doing so well. She is drinking her milk and eating like such a big girl. She is practically running all over the house. She is such a perfect little walker and has such great balance. I was sad around the time of her birthday because so many things were happening. Her first birthday, stopping nursing, and walking all happened within a week of each other. I am happy to say that even though I am sad that my sweet little baby is growing up, we are entering a new and exciting chapter in her life.

We are still going out in the boat every weekend and she absolutely loves the water! Stuart & I look forward to the days when we can pull her in a tube, teach her to hydraslide, and go on family boat trips to Charleston. We are so fortunate to have such an easy-going baby.