Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Waverly had her 6 month checkup today. She had 4 shots and she did pretty well. She didn't cry after the first one but cried after the others. Nurse Lynn started blowing bubbles for her and she immediately forgot about the shots! Dr. Stone, her pediatrician, said she is doing great and is right on track. Waverly now weighs 18 lbs. 11 oz. (she is chunky which is just fine for a breastfed baby) and is 26 3/4 inches long! Her tear duct is still blocked, so Dr. Stone referred her to a pediatric ophthalmologist. She will have an appt. in the next few weeks so we can hopefully get everything straight. Dr. Stone says that a blocked tear duct is a pretty common issue and can usually be resolved pretty quickly. Everyone at her pediatrician's office just raves about how sweet and good she is! Stuart & I are so lucky to have such a sweet, perfect little baby!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Aww..I hate it when they get shots! I think it's harder on us mom then on the babies! She was a trouper. Hope she is feeling better!