Thursday, July 26, 2012


Well, I am extremely overdue for an update on my blog! Evelyn Turner Morrison "Turner" is now 3 months old and the sweetest, most laid back, happiest baby in the world! I thought Waverly was an easy baby but Turner has her beat. She is nursing and sleeping like a champ. She very rarely cries and nothing phases her, not even her big sister being loud and silly. I must say that having another girl has been so easy, as far as planning and shopping goes. Turner is able to wear all of Waverly's clothes since she was born at the end of April and Waverly was born in July. It is warm enough in Savannah in April that Turner was able to wear everything. The only thing we had to buy was diapers, wipes, and I gave in and bought a few matching outfits for the girls. You have to do that right? :) Stuart and I could not be more happy to have our 2 sweet girls and have our little family of four.

Waverly just had her 3rd birthday last Friday, July 20th. I can't believe that my first born angel is already 3 years old and it feels like I just gave birth to her yesterday. She is the smartest, funniest, sweetest little girl in the world. Her daddy & I love her so much and just wish that time would slow down a little bit. Our babies are growing up way too fast!

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