Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy 9 months ETM!

Where has the time gone? I can't even grasp the fact that my Turner is already 9 months old (she was actually 9 months last Sunday)! She had her 9 month checkup on Friday and is doing fantastic, right on track, and growing like a weed. She is 21 lbs 10 oz and is in the 89% for weight, 84% for height, and of course 97% for head circumference....she does have 1/2 Morrison and 1/2 Caddy genes which equals BIG head! Ha ha! Dr. Stone was very pleased with how well she is doing and even more happy that she has not been wheezing or needed any breathing treatments lately. We already have her 1 year appt. scheduled.....CRAZY!! She also has 4 teeth and is eating everything that doesn't eat her first. We also gave her a sippy cup with water yesterday for the first time and she knew exactly what to do with it. She had a little sip of water and loved it!

Waverly had a fantastic week and continues to be a big help to me. She is always asking to help me around the house or take care of her sister. I am lucky to have such a sweet little helper.

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