Sunday, March 14, 2010

2nd Week of Swimming Lessons

Yesterday was Waverly's second week of swimming lessons! We practiced kicking while on our tummies, going underwater, "jumping" in from the side, and we added floating on our backs this week. Waverly did so well and goes non-stop during her 45-minute lesson. She is kicking, splashing, and "talking" the whole time! We look forward to swimming class every Saturday.

Waverly is also back on her schedule of sleeping through the night. Around 6 months she started to wake up once during the night to nurse, and she has sporadically been doing so ever since. Well, for the last week she hasn't woken up once and is back to her old self. She goes to bed around 8:00 and sleeps until 6:30. Stuart & I know we are very lucky to have such a good sleeper, good eater, and just all around happy baby.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

She did so good in swimming lessons..she's going to be ready for the pool, the beach, and the boat this summer!! Yay for sleeping through the night! Hadley's been sleeping through the night too!!! :) We are so lucky to have such sweet and beautiful babies!!!