Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First tooth!!

It's official!!!! Waverly has her first tooth finally starting to come through! She woke up last night at 11 p.m. and was crying and very fussy (very out of character)! Stuart tried to soothe her back to sleep without any luck. He brought Waverly to me & after a dose of Tylenol and nursing her, she fell asleep. Poor Stuart slept on the couch until about 3 a.m. and the guest room until 6:30. He said he did not want to disturb her after she fell asleep. Waverly & I are so lucky to have him! I don't know what we would ever do without him!

Waverly was in betters spirits this morning, had a great day, and by this afternoon there it was......a tiny piece of a tooth popping out!!! Once again, Stuart saved the day and went to the pharmacy to get Waverly some teething tablets that have helped tremendously! She is back to her old self tonight. As soon as I can catch a picture of her tooth with the camera I will be sure to post it!

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