Sunday, July 11, 2010


Waverly will be one-year-old in nine days and we have begun the weaning process. She is having whole milk in her sippy cup once a day instead of nursing at that time. She is doing great!! She loves her milk and I am so happy that we are not having to give her a bottle and then transition to a sippy cup. I didn't think she would have any trouble because she loves to drink water from her sippy cup! Each week we are adding milk to replace one of her feedings. Tomorrow starts the second one, so she will be having whole milk around 10 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well. I am sure it will because she is so easy-going and such a perfect little baby!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Aww..she is doing great and she is going to continue to do great! She's such a sweet, beautiful baby!! I can't believe she's going ot be a year old so soon!!