Monday, January 24, 2011


Yesterday evening, Waverly seemed a little cranky and wanted to be with her mommy even more than normal. I didn't think too much of it because she was up late Saturday night and up bright and early Sunday morning. I just thought she was worn out and exhausted. Well, after dinner on Sunday she was very tired and felt warm. I took her temperature and it was 99.7, so I put on her pajamas and she went right to bed almost an hour early. She woke up this morning with a 99.2 fever, so Stuart stayed home with her today. She had a fever early this afternoon, but did not have one when she went to bed. I am hoping that she will wake up tomorrow morning her usual cheerful self. Stuart is going to be out town for a few days and my mom won't be here until Thursday, so I am hoping she will be alright. It is so hard when you have such a healthy baby that is never sick, and when they do get sick it is so pitiful. Not to mention that you live 8 hours away from any grandparents that could help you. Keep your fingers crossed that she will bounce back quickly.

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