Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Eye Update

Waverly's eye is doing a million times better! The drops are really helping and she still has another week to go. Her eye is so clear, no drainage, and it is not yucky when she wakes up. I am praying that the drops do the trick! I am worried that once we stop the drops the drainage and puffiness will return. Waverly is very smart and when she sees the drops coming she wiggles so she can try to get away. Stuart & I have a system that is working pretty well. He holds the toy above her head so she has to look up and she doesn't even see me coming with the sneak attack drop! Ha Ha! She is doing so well and is sitting up almost entirely by herself without leaning back or towards one side at all!! Waverly is such a strong girl!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

What wonderful news!!! I am so happy to hear that her eye is getting better. We will keep her in our prayers! Can't wait to hang out again. Hadley sends hugs to Waverly! :)