Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ophthalmologist visit

Today was Waverly's appointment with the pediatric ophthalmologist. Dr. Devaro dilated her eyes and said her vision is great and her eyes are perfect. His only concern was her left eye and her eyelid being droopy due to the puffiness and swelling from her blocked tear duct. He said that if left untreated her eyelid covering part of her cornea could cause the cornea to be misshaped and would result in an astigmatism. She would have to wear glasses to correct the astigmatism. Dr. Devaro prescribed Waverly steroid drops for 2 weeks to help with the puffiness and swelling and hopes that it will allow the duct to clear out and drain properly. Waverly will be seen again in 3 months and if her eye is not clear at 9 months Dr. Devaro wants to probe the duct to clear it out. Hopefully, her eye will clear up on its own and the probing will not be necessary. Waverly was an absolute angel today and was smiling at everyone in the office. She was so good through everything and only let out a small cry when the dilating drops were put in! She is such a sweet and happy baby! We will keep updates coming.

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